South Africa

South Africa

Monday, April 30, 2012

High School Questions, part 3

Questions about culture and environment.  These students want to know about education, race and gender, animals, food, weather, and shops.

High School Questions, part 2

Questions about daily life in South Africa from high school students.  They want to know about everyday activities of teenagers and other people, education, and comparisons of lifestyle and environment between South Africa and the US.

High School Questions

Here are some questions about South Africa that were posed by high school students.  They want to know about why I want to go to South Africa, communication (spoken and signed languages), government and history of conflicts, culture, and the flag.





This is the new flag of South Africa.  The colors are from different flags related to South Africa.  The old flag had pictures of the flags from the European countries that controlled South Africa.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Hello!  My name is Wendy Harris and I am a JrHS/HS Social Studies teacher at Metro Deaf School (MDS).  I am excited to have been selected for a National Endowment for the Humanities study trip in South Africa this summer!  On this bilingual blog, students, friends and families can follow my experiences and also ask questions about South Africa.  I will attempt to find answers for all the questions.